Homelessness brings about relational poverty—a disconnect from society and those around you. At CFH, we strive to provide the foundation for relationship— compassion, empowerment, respect and community to the men we serve.
– David Bowling, Executive Director
With the onset of winter weather their is a much greater need for meals...
Our mission is to end homelessness on the Eastside by helping men make the transition from life on the street to stable, independent living.
Year-Round Shelter
Our Year-Round Shelter Program operates from 7:00 pm until 7:00 am every day of the year. We accept homeless men 18 years and older who have a connection to the Eastside. Our shelter is housed in Eastside churches, mostly in Bellevue, and moves every month to a new church. Other support churches provide meals and volunteers for the shelter.
Winter Shelter
Eastside winter conditions endanger the lives of people in our community. The Eastside Winter Shelter (EWS) operates from November through the spring each year and is an emergency overnight shelter providing men safety from the cold elements. Men who visit are provided with a hot meal and a safe place to sleep.
Day Center
The Day Center provides the only place on the Eastside where men can access services such as resource referral, showers, laundry, clothing, hygiene products, and meals. The Day Center also provides a prime opportunity to build relationships with the most chronic of the homeless and reconnect them to society. The Day Center lets the newly homeless quickly rebound back into stability and independence.
The CFH Outreach Program works by building relationships with men, women, and children who are currently experiencing homelessness on the Eastside. Experienced Case Managers connect the homeless with the resources they need to move toward becoming empowered, stable, and self-sufficient.
Case Management
Our Case Management program is key to a successful transition from homelessness to permanent housing. With the help of volunteer mentors, CFH also provides several workshops in the shelter to prepare men for housing and to guide them through the employment preparation process.
Housing Program
The CFH Housing program provides permanent housing with subsidies to our shelter residents. Subsidized housing provides men with stability, a personal locked room or apartment, and a safe place to work toward independence. We continue to provide case management and life coaching for our housing clients.
Your Support
Your contribution to CFH will be used to help run our Day Center, our Year-Round Shelter, and our seasonal Eastside Winter Shelter, as well as to support clients in our housing program. All donations are tax-deductible.
“CFH was there for me when I was at the lowest point of my life and, as a result, I will always be grateful for its assistance in getting me back on my feet.”
– CFH client
“They put their trust in me and gave me an opportunity to build again. CFH has given me love, stability, comfort, honesty, and a chance to really thrive again and get my life back together.”
– CFH client
“I would not be here if it weren’t for CFH.”
– CFH client
“So much of the stigma of homelessness works subconsciously. Seemingly small things such as having to store your belongings in garbage bags or not having access to hygiene facilities can take a significant toll on one’s self esteem.”
– CFH Client
“CFH gave me all the tools I needed to move forward, to make progress.”
– CFH Client
“CFH is a wonderful organization and I commend its donors and facilitators.”
– CFH Client
Volunteer Spotlight
“Helping someone with a meal, speaking with someone and giving them my full attention even for a moment, being kind to another, attending to some small need…I find this to be deeply restorative.”
– Robert L. – CFH Volunteer
Congregations for the Homeless (CFH) volunteers pave the way for those experiencing homeless on the Eastside to break the cycle and lead a stable and productive life. The heart of our program is the more than 3,600 volunteers who bring meals every day of the year, and who donate their time and money to make our clients feel welcome, cared for, and provided for with food and other essentials.
Ongoing Roles
Kitchen Ambassador – Work with food volunteers at the winter shelter helping get them set up, orienting them to the space, and helping serve if necessary. One shift a week from November – April.
Day Center Assistant – Create more opportunities for the men to have relationships and create community outside of their day-to-day interactions. One shift a week, for a minimum of 6 months.
Shelter Assistant – The purpose of placing volunteers in this role is to create more opportunities for the men to have relationships and create community outside of their day-to- day interactions. One shift a week for a minimum of 6 months.
Adopt a house – Spend time with one of CFHs shared houses getting to know the guys in the house. This can include going over once a month for a sports game, doing a BBQ, or other creative ideas. Six-month minimum commitment.
Group Projects
Donate a meal – Donate a meal to the Eastside Winter Shelter. Signup at http://signup.com/go/wGDJKaZ
Donation drive – At CFH we are always in need of shelter supplies. Please contact us for more information.
Move in team – Help once a month when the shelter moves, when our clients move from the shelter into housing or from CFH housing into independent housing.
Volunteer Groups are accepted on an as needed basis. Please contact volunteer@cfhomeless.org to see if there is a need.
Internships and high school community service projects available upon request