A Home for Eduardo
Eduardo came to Washington in 2019 to make a better life for himself. With only $20 to his name, Eduardo spent his first night sleeping on the streets of Seattle. He recalls how cold it was and thought he may have made a horrible decision to come to Washington with no real plan.
Eduardo went to the library to use the computers to research shelters in the area. After talking to a few and being told he could get on their waiting list, he became frustrated. However, he made one more call, and it was to CFH. Eduardo shared:
“I remember talking to the person who answered the phone and how nice they sounded. So I asked if they had any openings, and the person said yes. I was so happy. They told me I could come in the same day for an intake and be assigned a bed. Of course, I didn’t know what to expect, but I had nothing to lose.”
Eduardo began to engage with our navigation and outreach team; they assisted him in getting a WA State driver’s license and with employment searches. Eduardo applied to Metro Transit to be a bus driver, and he passed the test and got the job. However, during the height of COVID, he was laid off for a while. Recently, he was able to be rehired into his position.
This month, Eduardo was able to move into housing! CFH gave him a check to help with the deposit for his new apartment, and he got a gift card from QFC to buy groceries.
He stated, “CFH has been a good place for me. No, it’s been a blessing to me. You guys have helped me make my life better. I would tell anyone who needs help to call you guys because you have always been good to me. See, I have keys to my very own apartment because of CFH. Thank you very much.“